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Dieting Information

We have created a few manuals to help guide you through the process of dieting with master plants and integrating your experiences into life. Please check them out below.

Retreat & Diet Preparation

Master Plant Diets

Post-Diet Integration




The Fellowship of the River: A Medical Doctor's Exploration into Traditional Plant Medicine

By Joseph Tafur MD


We love this book for a number of reasons: namely, Tafur makes an exceptional case to reframe western healthcare. When healing a person, especially from chronic conditions, it is crucial we consider the person in his/her entirety: one's emotional and psychological health, one's past trauma history, current environmental and situational conditions, one's spiritual state and finally one's physical condition and lifestyle. All these factors play a significant role in one's overall health and wellness. Poignantly, Tafur states, "In these times, we are dealing with an epidemic of soul sickness, i.e. spiritual illness. In order to adequately address this flood of spiritual maladies, we must expand our medical and cultural paradigms" (236). And this is absolutely right. The current medicinal approach is not working. It functions to alleviate the symptoms, not address the root cause of dis-ease. In order to do that, we need to shift our focus more to the emotional and spiritual bodies of patients.


Additionally, we endorse this book because it tracks Tafur's experience first finding true healing through sacred plant medicine. The journey-- to look outside the standard medical paradigm--subsequently initiated his path into shamanism. He is a true doctor who views the person through a holistic lens: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and historical body, and he seeks to offer true healing through standardized medical understanding and traditional plant medicine approaches. On top of all that, it is just a great read!!


Ayahuasca - From Serpent to Jaguar: An Amazonian Shamanic Education

By Yves Duc


There are a lot of books out there about Ayahuasca, but this is by far one of the best. From Serpent to Jaquar is a straight-forward account of Duc's experiences and apprenticeship with the afamed Juan Flores of Mayantuyacu. We love this book and would recommend it to anyone wanting to understand the world of master plant medicine and the complexities and responsibilities of true shamanism. It is a quick read and comes with a lot of practical advice that we support. Some of the concepts and information are for more advanced individuals on the apprenticeship path; nonetheless, it is a book that can be read time and time again because it offers introductory information and cautionary guidance to first time drinkers.


The Language of Emotions

By Karla McLaren


I highly recommend this comprehensive book about emotional intelligence. The first half of McLaren's book discusses trauma as an initiation-- albeit at the wrong time, wrong place and by the wrong person. However, it is an initiation nonetheless and dissociation is a consequence of stuck, unprocessed trauma. She also discusses how we are elemental beings, and to be fully realized we must have access to all our elements or villages as she calls them: water element/ village is the emotions; air element /village is the intellect; earth element/ village is the body; and the fire element/ village is our visionary. creative center.


The second half of the book goes through the different emotions. For McLaren, there are no negative emotions and I completely agree with this. We have them because they are trying to communicate something very important to us. To acknowledge and understand fully our emotions is how we become a deeper, richer, more healed person. McLaren also gives exercises and practical tools to accessing and understanding not only all the elements but also our rich emotional literacy. As the author states, understanding our emotions is simply good emotional hygiene.




The Song that Calls You Home


In fact, this is the ONLY documentary that we recommend. Directed by Luis Robledo and Vanni Mangoni, The Song that Calls You Home is a beautiful look at Shipibo Shamanism, Sacred Plant Medicine, and Master Plant Diets. With extraordinary footage, traditional healing songs, The Song features Nihue Rao and Maestro Ricardo Amaringo. I highly recommend this documentary to anyone wanting to explore Ayahuasca healing and Master Plant Diet.



Remi and Ashley have been interviewed in a few podcast episodes. Listen below to hear more about their stories, the center, and dieting with master plants


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